Wednesday 13 September 2017

Working Mum Returning To Work

Since having my last baby I have essentially been a stay at home mum for a year or so but it’s now time to return back to work.
Three children, two jobs … I’m a little apprehensive, the normal feelings I suppose like will I remember everything, have things changed, how long will it take to settle in, are there going to be new staff members?  But also mum apprehension … is the baby too young to be put into nursery full time, the older two were not in nursery at that age and even when they started they definitely did nowhere near fulltime hours, also how will I actually afford the childcare which is SO expensive, will I disconnect from the mums not being at the school gates, am I going to be able to attend all the important school meetings, I don’t want to miss anything important like mother’s day assemblies where pretty much all the mums are there etc. Some of these things are miles in advance and I’m lucky to work within environments that are flexible and supportive so I probably will be able to make the majority if not all of them and as for the nursery worries I genuinely believe the nursery I use for my children is the best there is so really I’m probably being a little irrational!

Working mum

What I have found, after being back for four days is that:
    1. Adults. I have found adults again. I don’t even need to explain further how amazing a conversation about anything other than cartoons or toys or games actually are when you live with three small children for a year.
2. I appreciate my children more. I kind of guessed this would happen and I’m so glad it has … I enjoy the stories of their days more, I am more paitent, I enjoy my time with them more and I just feel like I see them with new eyes after a day at work.  

3. I am more prepared, organised and find more enjoyment in routines, especially at bedtime. Being off work I feel should mean more time to get myself organised. Not in my life. Having the children around constantly I can honestly say my household was nothing short of chaotic. I might not of been in work but I didn’t have a minute where there wasn’t one child or another asking for help with something, where I wasn’t trying to resolve an argument (believe me there was a lot of shouting and toy snatching during those long, long, long 6 week holidays!) where I wasn’t chauffeuring them around to one activity or another or just had time to sit and think or even write up a list if what needed to be done. I don’t think it helps that not only are they all young but all at very different stages.

4. I have MORE time for myself. Ok so I don’t work the standard 9-5 and I’ve dropped a few hours in one job and also condensed my hours in the other but I don’t work much less than the average job. I get the kids up and out then I have time to come home for breakfast and to do my make up. I can’t tell you what a difference it makes to my day to be able to eat and put make up on without a tiny hanging off me or being asked to wipe a bum or just having that background noise and background consciousness of knowing where the three of them are and what they are doing whilst trying to obtain the perfect wing. 

For me coming back to work was something that I felt I needed to do, yes there are ‘cons’ to it but generally it works out best for me and my children. I get to spend time doing something that gives me worth, with adults that are actually more like friends since I see them everyday and then at the end of the day I get to pick up my children, spend quality time with them and exchange stories with them about our days.

The perfect ending.


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